

By John Robertson 

Super Tramp Sings Praise

Cloughie legend John Robertson says he can still remember the moment the Master Manager walked into the Nottingham Forest dressing room for the first time - and he knew big things were about to happen. Robertson was sitting opposite the door as the Great Man approached.
"As he walked in, he whipped his jacket off and hung it on the peg, very purposefully. That act alone said to me 'This guy means business.' From the very beginning I thought there was going to be a whirlwind coming through - and I wasn't wrong."

John Robertson

Robertson was plucked from the Forest reserves to become a double European Cup winner with Clough. In an interview for this website, he explained how Clough's description of him had helped to inspire the title of the book.

"Brian Clough used to rib me about my desert boots and the gear I wore - and how I appeared in the morning, unshaven. He called me a tramp, he said I was scruffy and unfit. But he said a lot of nice things about me as well. The reason I never got upset or reacted to his comments was simple - I knew he respected me as a player."

Robertson describes Clough as "quite simply a football genius." He also praises the way Brian treated him after the death of John's brother just days before the European Cup semi-final against Cologne. 'Super Tramp' is published by Mainstream (RRP £17.99).

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